it's me

>hello, i'm abdullah _şahin

an alea iacta est -j'caesar driven

passionate software engineer

you're welcome to learn more about me here!

i've always been an inquisitive per­son, with a passion for tech­nol­o­gy that start­ed at the age of 11. back then, i built simple web-sites and bat-scripts on a win­dows-xp based machine, mostly ex­plore bugs and glitch­es to un­cov­er un­de­served re­wards in vir­tu­al games - spark­ing my fas­ci­na­tion with how sys­tems work (and break).

in the mean­time, my curiosity drove me to step be­yond gam­ing and deep dive into many pro­gram­ming-lan­guages and soft­ware-paradigms. this jour­ney led me to grad­u­ate along­side top marks from ruhr-uni­ver­si­ty-bochum's in­sti­tute for neu­ral com­pu­ta­tion in ap­plied comp­ut­er sci­ence and achieve strong re­sults in sev­er­al pres­ti­gious com­pe­ti­tions.

to­day, equipped with o­ver five years of pro­fes­sion­al ex­pe­ri­ence in devops-, site-reliability- and soft­ware-en­gi­neer­ing, i thrive on solv­ing chal­leng­ing prob­lems and buil­ding state-of-the-art so­lu­tions that lever­age cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy to de­liv­er mean­ing­ful im­pact.


done is better than perfect - s'sandberg
02.2025|pub:tanjadiementorin! 05.2020|! 02.2020|pub:googlehashcode2020 09.2019|pub:kolloquium 02.2019|app:soplan ( 11.2018|pub:reinforcement-learning 07.2018|app:routenfahrer 01.2017|app:inseratfinder


every man's memory is his private literature - a'huxley
10.19-04.21|t'program:  dwpbankAG 04.19-10.19|traineeship:adessoSE 11.11-11.11|intership:  sparkasseBO


work is love made visible - k'gibran
10.19-now  |dwpbankAG 04.19-10.19|adessoSE 10.18-04.19|ruhr-universitybochum


your network is your net worth - p'gale
abdellaui on   abdellaui on


eternal vigilance is the price of liberty - t'jefferson
7C52 0EB3 DC1C 1479 9D13
8805 ABC4 4959 D402 69CE


energy flows where attention goes - t'robbins
not only working software,
but also well-crafted software
not only responding to change,
but also steadily adding value
not only individuals and interactions,
but also a community of professionals
not only customer collaboration,
but also productive partnerships


curiosity is the lust of the mind - t'hobbes
- artificial-intelligence
- augmented-reality
- big-data
- ci/cd
- cloud-computing
- cosmos
- cryptocurrency
- distributed-systems
- image-processing
- internet-of-things
- microservices
- object-detection
- pedagogy
- philosophy
- reinforcement-learning
- robotics
- smart-home
- synthetic-data
- software-development
- web-services


another language, another soul - charlemagne


all i know is that i know nothing - socrates
09.16-09.19|bachelor of science 06.13-06.16|high school diploma


skill to do comes of doing - r'w'emerson
cmake/qmake, composer, conda, helm,
maven, node, npm, pip, poetry
aws, oci
aes, des, hashes, rsa
mariadb, oracle, postgres, sqlite
angular, boost++, bootstrap, jquery,
opencv, qt, spring
terraform, terragrunt
ibm-mq, mosquitto, kafka, rabbit-mq
agile, v-model, waterfall
kubernetes, openshift, systemd
c/c++, java, typescript/javascript
arp, ftp/s, http, mqtt, oidc, openvpn,
saml, ssh, ssl/tls, smtp, wireguard
kql, promql, sql
bash/shell, php, python
css, html, json, xml, yaml
argocd, filebeat, grafana, kibana,
opensearch, prometheus, traefik, trivy
docker, podman, virtualbox